Keto diets are huge right now. Do they work? Well, if you mean can you lose weight, then yes. However, if you are asking if they are good for you I would have to say not always.
Why? Well, for one thing, most people do it wrong.
I’ll go into more detail in another post on why many keto plans may not be great for your health, but for now let’s look at HOW good fats can help you get thinner and hit your ideal body weight.
We’re going to continue following some of Dr. Mark Hyman’s advice from his book, Eat Fat, Get Thin.
Summary Of The Plan
Stage 1: Lay the Foundation
Out with the bad, in with the good
Stage 2: The Eat Fat, Get Thin Plan
Nourish (eat well)
Energize (move your body)
Rejuvenate (because stress can ruin your results)
Stage 3: Your Transition Plan
Either continue the plan until you lose the weight or start eating like a “Pegan”
And it all starts with STAGE 1, which is a jump start to better health and a thinner body.
Stage 1: Lay the Foundation
This is the part where we makeover our kitchen. Let’s get rid of the bad and start getting in some good things!
Get Rid Of:
Fake foods
All foods and drinks that contain sugar
Anything containing artificial sweeteners
Causes cravings for sugar and carbs
Eventually you can add some stevia if you can tolerate it
Anything containing hydrogenated oils or refined vegetable oils
Avoid gluten, dairy, grains, and beans
All of these can cause inflammation
Stock Up On:
Multivitamin and multimineral (vitamin B, antioxidants, and minerals)
2 grams purified fish oil
2,000 units vitamin D3
300-400 mg L-carnitine twice a day
30mg coenzyme10 twice a day
100-150mg magnesium (1 capsule twice a day)
PGX 2-5g before every meal
Probiotics 10-20 million CFU
MCT oil 1-2 tbsp
Electrolytes 1-2 capfuls twice a day
Potato starch 1-2 tbsp in 8 ounces of water
This is also a stage where we mentally start fighting our fear of fat.
Stage 2: The Eat Fat, Get Thin Plan
This is a 21 day stage where you will be eating good, healthy fats and clean animal foods.
Nourish (eat well)
Include one serving of fat at each meal
Examples: 1 tbsp oil, a handful of nuts or seeds, 4 ounces of fat or animal protein
You want 4-5 servings of fat every day
4-6 ounces at each meal
Vegetables!!!! 50-75% of your meals
Nuts and seeds contain carbs; as does fruit
You can have two snacks a day, but you don’t need to
Examples: Handful of raw nuts, raw veggies with almond or cashew butter, olive tapenade, or tahini, or half an avocado
½ cup to 1 cup of fruit: berries, pomegranate seeds, watermelon, lemon, lime, or kiwi
Bone broth
Minimum of 8 glasses of water
What to Avoid
Wheat, rye, barley oats, and spelt
All grains
Rice, quinoa, buckwheat, millet
They are a good part of a healthy diet but they can spike up your blood sugar and insulin
This is not a forever thing; just 21 days
All Dairy Products
Except you can have grass-fed butter, clarified butter, and ghee
Dairy is a big cause of inflammation
It’s not the fat in dairy that causes problems; its the proteins in it that trigger your immune system
They contain a fair amount of starch and aren’t ideal for blood sugar balance
They contain inflammatory compounds called lectins, which aren’t easy to digest
Exception: organic, non-GMO tofu or tempeh (soybeans that are broken down or fermented and easier to digest), green beans, snap peas, and snow peas
Example of a Stage 2 Meal Plan:
Eat only fat, protein, and/or veggies for breakfast
Spinach with eggs
Triple green smoothie
Bulletproof coffee
75% non starchy veggies and 25% protein by volume on your plate, with fat included in dressings, olive oil, and coconut oil, and found naturally in proteins, such as fatty fish, meat, or nuts and seeds
Same as lunch!
If you want, add ½ to 1 cup of starchy veggies, such as sweet potato, winter squash, or parsnips
Exercise boosts your energy, revs your metabolism, and increases mental clarity
Can facilitate weight loss when paired with a detoxifying program (aka the nourish section)
HIIT and muscle building with weights, or bodyweight, leads to amazing gains in metabolism and well-being
Start by walking at least 30 min a day
Remember, you can’t exercise yourself out of a bad diet BUT when combined with a healthy diet it builds muscle, which speeds up your metabolism, and prevents almost every known disease of aging
And it treats depression better than Prozac!
Get on a regular schedule with sleep
Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time
Make your bedroom a peaceful, quiet haven
Get at least 20 minutes of sunshine every day
Avoid wifi before bed
Clear your mind with a journal by your bed
Stretch before bed
Try yoga, meditation, deep breathing, chanting, steam or sauna, a hot bath with Epsom salt and lavender
Daily Schedule
Begin the day with 30 minutes of brisk walking (or another workout)
Before breakfast take 2 to 5 grams of PGX fiber
Make your shake or breakfast
Take your supplements with breakfast
Take your MCT oil
Enjoy a midmorning snack (optional)
Drink water
Before lunch, take 2 to 5 grams of PGX fiber
Eat lunch
Enjoy a midafternoon snack (optional)
Take 2 to 5 grams of PGX before dinner
Eat dinner
Take your second dose of supplements at dinner
Do one of your relaxation practices
Get 7-8 hours of sleep
Troubleshooting: If You Get Stuck
Problem: You don’t feel great the first few days on the program
Likely cause: Detox symptoms or not enough salt
Your body is adjusting
Usually passes within 48 hours
Problem: Digestive issues such as bloating and gas, feeling abnormally stuffed after a moderate meal, diarrhea or constipation
Likely Cause: body not used to fat or all of the fiber
Your bacteria are changing in your gut
Solution: take a comprehensive digestive enzyme to break down
Problem: Weight loss plateau
You may need more evaluation on hormones, inflammatory, gut, toxin problems, genetics, or other issues
Gluten, dairy, sugar, sugar substitutes, peanuts, hidden additives, preservatives, or other chemicals slipping in your diet
You may need more carbohydrates (add a starchy vegetable into your dinner)
You may need fewer carbohydrates
No starchy veggies and no fruit
Try going off coffee and see if that helps
Stage 3: Your Transition Plan
So by the time you’ve gotten to this stage you survived — and maybe even thrived — through the last 21 days. Hopefully, your mind is clearer, your body is lighter, and your mood is calmer.
If you want to continue to lose weight, or you just feel really amazing on this plan, you can continue eating this way.
If you are also trying to reverse your type II diabetes or high blood pressure, you should also continue to eat this way until your insulin levels drop to a normal level.
BUT if you’re ready for the next stage we’ll introduce it in our next post. Stage 3 is coming your way, and it has more flexibility and is a lifelong eating plan that is anti-ageing and promotes longevity.
Have you eaten this way before? Do you want to? Share your story!
