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Beautiful Non-Maternity Skirts For Work (For Pregnant & Non-Pregnant Women)
I love wearing a cute skirt to work. They’re comfortable, classy, and feminine. When I was pregnant I didn’t want to buy a brand new...

The Only Product You Will Ever Need For Curly Hair
I have naturally curly hair. I did not know this fact until I was plagued by evil cowlicks in Grade 6. I thought my hair was evil and out...

The Best Red Lipstick For 2021
Fall is in the air and winter is just around the corner. When seasons change I don’t just like to change my clothes, but also my scents...

Does Social Media Cause Depression?
There are growing concerns about the impact of digital technologies on children’s emotional well-being, particularly regarding fear,...

Are You A People Pleaser?
It is blog post #2 of the Shauna Niequist chronicles based on the insightful, life-changing concepts from Present Over Perfect. Today’s...

Arugula Pesto Spaghetti Squash with Roasted Tomatoes
Do you love pasta but don’t love how the refined carbohydrates make you feel? Now you can have the best of both worlds. Hello spaghetti...

Book Review: The Miracle Carb Diet
FREE DOWNLOAD of a beautiful food journal for the F-Factor way. I recently read The Miracle Carb Diet by Tanya Zuckerbrot and was rather...

I Will Never Be Satisfied
That title is giving me major Hamilton vibes. Hopefully, the song is now in your head as you read this post 😋. Does anyone else feel...
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